Vanessa Williams has clearly had a weight loss and fans are concerned for her health now because she always used to be at a healthy weight and she didn't need to be this skinny. The actress once said that she had learned to get ahead of the pressure she gets to lose weight from society but it does not look that way. Vanessa Williams has not talked about her weight loss and her silence is not helping her fans who are starting to imagine the worst. 

Vanessa Williams may have come to prominence when she became the first African-American woman to win the Miss America title in 1984 (she had to give up her title because of a controversy) but she became popular and beloved by the public only because of her talent. She could never have rebounded from that scandal if she had no talent for singing and acting.

She has enjoyed commercial success in her music career and she has fared well at Broadway, films, and television as well. Her fans often speak greatly about her skill but right now, they are talking about her weight loss because have you noticed that she has gotten very skinny and unhealthily and worryingly so? It's impossible to ignore because of how dramatically she has changed. Let's discuss Vanessa Williams' weight loss!

There are more weight loss stories of Danika Mason and Lyndsay Lamb that you might like to read.

Vanessa Williams' Weight Loss: She Has Gotten Scarily Thin!

Vanessa Williams (@vanesswilliamsofficial) has undergone a dramatic weight loss which has sparked health concerns among her fans who think that she didn't need to get this skinny.

Vanessa Williams' dramatic weight loss has sparked health concerns among people. houseandwhips.comVanessa Williams' dramatic weight loss has sparked health concerns among people.
Image Source: Today Show

Just scroll through Williams' Instagram page to see just how skinny she has gotten. I don't want to be the one to point out that she looks very scarily and unhealthily thin and start speculations about her health and I'm not going to be the one because the speculations have already started and are flooding the social media. You can check the comments on her Instagram pics as well.

People are not taking Vanessa Williams' weight loss very well and while it seems invasive to insert ourselves and our feelings into celebs' lives, in this case, it's not the obsession over her weight and her but it's all about the genuine concerns. Because fans have seen her at a healthy weight where she looked fit and slender and she didn't need to lose a pound and they have now seen her at an extreme weight. They can tell not everything's fine with her.

Not only did the former Miss America not need to lose any weight but she also possibly could not lose that weight naturally by just adjusting her diet plans and workout routine. No wonder her fans are scared about Vanessa Williams' weight loss because chances are that she is suffering from some disease that has caused her to 'dry up' or that she used some sort of drug to lose weight.

They can only hope that it's the latter because even though it was not necessary for her to get skinnier, she has lost weight and they would rather it be by her choice no matter how misguided than it be because of some kind of disease. Like they said, Vanessa Williams looks so dry and gaunt, and maybe once it starts to settle in, she will stop whatever she is having for weight loss. Many think it's Ozempic but who can really tell?

While some of her followers are laying off of her and doing their best to make sure that others refrain from commenting on her weight as well (they bring up the tragic case of Chadwick Boseman who was suffering from cancer while people mocked him for looking skinny as an argument), others think that it's not wrong to bring up her weight loss because they were just expressing their concerns which they think is harmless.

Is The Secret of Vanessa Williams' Drastic Weight Loss Ozempic?

A large number of people are very aware of the pressure women are subjected to look picture-perfect, skinny, and beautiful all the time and they don't want her to be affected by such pressures. So, in case Vanessa Williams' weight loss is deliberate, they advise her to stop subjecting herself to all that severity, not starve herself, and go back to the healthy weight she was at just about four weeks ago.

Vanessa Williams is thought by many to have taken Ozempic to lose weight. houseandwhips.comVanessa Williams is thought by many to have taken Ozempic to lose weight.
Image Source: Glamour

While some of her fans think she only looks like that because she's aged a lot in these last few months, you cannot really ignore the fact that she looks so shriveled up. They hope that it's not because of the stress she's had lately due to the relationship troubles. They just want her to get better because it's really hard to look at her that skinny and pretend that all's well with her when her weight loss makes it look the opposite of that.

Vanessa Williams recently shared that she used her 60th birthday (she turned 60 this March) as a starting point to get in shape (she was already in great shape but okay). She said that she started to adjust her diet and began working out from then onwards. She revealed that she kickboxed and weightlifted every other day but really, looking at it now, it seems just like a warning for what was about to come.

No amount of intense workouts would lead to drastic weight loss like that. She was just preparing her fans? If she is really using Ozempic or some other kind of drugs to lose weight, it's sad where she has come to. There was a time when it looked like she had gotten ahead of every pressure society puts on women to meet beauty standards. So, it didn't look like she would ever fall for any of that.

For me, there’s nothing you could say to me about my weight that would cause me to extreme diet. I don’t care what you say and to quote the great Tyra Banks, if you say anything you can kiss my fat a**!

Have things changed since then for Vanessa Williams? If it has, I hope it changes again because she does not look healthy with that extreme weight loss.
